
Wokingham Without Parish Council has published a vision for the council to 2023, setting out the key priorities that it will work towards over the next five years.

These key issues are areas that the council will focus on, using them to guide resources, shape projects and focus Community Infrastructure Levy spending for the benefit of residents.

Council Chairman, Ken Newland, said “The publication of this document marks a milestone in what has been a significant piece of work for the council. Members have worked together to pinpoint what is important to our parish and to our residents. The councillors have worked to both identify assets in the parish that residents value, and those that are needed. The council will now forge ahead to enhance existing assets, as well as work to provide those that are needed to help our community flourish. As the parish grows to accommodate new housing both within the parish and on its borders, we recognise that the parish council needs to be prepared and ready to welcome new residents, and to be able to meet the needs of a larger community.”

Having adopted the vision, the council will now work to progress a host of short, medium and longer term projects and aspirations within these key areas to help make Wokingham Without Parish be the best it can be.

If you would like to find out more about what the council is doing, or would be interested in filling a vacancy for a parish councillor, please get in touch with the Clerk, Katy, at the parish office in Pinewood, or on 01344 771425.

Click here to view vision document.

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