Community Awards

Every two years Wokingham Without and Crowthorne Parish Councils jointly issue awards to deserving individuals or groups working voluntarily in either of the two parishes.

Individual award

Awarded to individuals who have contributed significantly to the quality of life in either of the two parishes by their public/community activity.

Special Award

A Special Award may also be given to a group or organisation established in either parish for its contribution to community life.

Awards Evening 2024

Is there a special person or group locally who you think deserves to be recognised for their exceptional work in the community?  Now is your chance to propose an award for a deserving individual or group working voluntarily in either of the two parishes of Crowthorne and Wokingham Without.

We want to give public recognition to those who have contributed significantly to the quality of life in either of the two parishes by their public / community activities.

Please contact us the Parish office at:

  • This year’s awards evening will take place on 20th November at St Sebastian’s Memorial Hall.


Awards Evening 2022

Crowthorne Parish Council was honoured to host the biennial Crowthorne Village Awards 2022, to celebrate community workers in both Crowthorne and Wokingham Without Parishes on 22 November 2022.

The awards were presented by Mr James Puxley, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Berkshire who spoke about the valuable work undertaken by volunteers in our community. Some countries have no volunteer roles, with such work instead undertaken by paid employees of the state. Crowthorne is fortunate to have a thriving and dedicated group of ‘hidden heroes’ who happily give their time to benefit the lives of others and the community.

11 individuals and 2 groups were chosen from 26 nominations for awards.

The full list of prize winners include:-

Individual award winners:

Avril Doyle – for her work with the Ark Pre-School, church and Crowthorne Library’s  Bounce & Rhyme programme.

Anita Taylor – for her volunteering as Girlguiding Wildmoor Cluster District Commissioner supporting approximately 30 other Leaders & Young Leaders within the cluster, & leading 3rd Crowthorne Guides.

Emma Frost – for giving her time to arrange and drive isolated and elderly residents to a monthly tea party where they can socialise for ‘Re-Engage’ and for volunteering as a Trustee and Secretary for the Ark Pre-School.

John Lindsay – for his volunteering work as Vice Chair of Governors at Crowthorne C of E Primary School, chaplaincy volunteer and end of life companion at Frimley Park Hospital and Frimley Health Governor for Bracknell Forest and Wokingham.

Claire Gibson – for her work as Rainbow, Brownie & Guide leader.

Mark Dodd – for his voluntary work as a trustee at Circle Hill Woods, and the Crowthorne Summer of Fun event where he has shown Crowthorne’s children how to make insect boxes, hedgehog homes and bat boxes, and to respect nature. Mark has also been a judge for the Crowthorne Carnival Front Garden competition for at least the past 4 Carnivals.

Geoff Wood – For volunteering for 10 years as a driver for the Crowthorne Good Neighbours scheme.  Geoff was described by his nominator as ‘being the volunteer we all aspire to become’.

Tom Lewis – was recognised for over 20 years voluntary service to COATS, including as a trustee, and ‘looking after the minibus’ ensuring that it was maintained, serviced, and always fit for purpose.

Becky England – received her award for volunteering for Crowthorne NCT as Branch Coordinator, and running two NCT groups, helping local families have friendship and support during the most vulnerable years of their lives. During covid lockdown Becky and her team also ran online Parent support and singing groups.

Tania Wren – Tania runs Brownies, volunteers at with a sewing and knitting group for children at Crowthorne C of E school and helps adults at the library with Knitting and Scrabble Groups.

Sandra Sidey – for her work as Group Scout Leader since 2019.  Including, keeping the group going via Zoom during Covid and rebuilding numbers more recently. She is also assistant producer of the Gangshow and puts many hours into sourcing music, meeting with the production team etc.

Group award winners:

COATS Shop volunteers – COATS’ objective is to promote the welfare of Senior Citizens within Crowthorne and the surrounding area.  It runs the COATS Centre which provides companionship, lunches, teas, activities, entertainment and services for local older people.

The COATS shop is the principal fund raiser for the charity and without it the current services could not be provided. The shop is run solely by a team of over 50 volunteers whose dedication did not falter through the recent Covid epidemic.

Crowthorne Flower Festival Committee – The Crowthorne Flower Festival is an incredible display of beauty put together by Crowthorne’s residents. The committee members excel at their work and a local charity benefited from the entrance fees.

The awards recognise the considerable contribution made by these volunteers to the lives of residents and community of Crowthorne and are hosted on a two yearly basis, with the host Parish Council alternating between Crowthorne and Wokingham Without Parishes.


Awards Evening 2018

The 2018 awards evening hosted by Wokingham Without Parish Council was held at St Sebastian’s Memorial hall on Tuesday 13th November.

The evening brought together around 70 members of the local community to acknowledge and celebrate the exceptional contribution that volunteers and volunteering make to our communities.

Congratulations to all our award winners!

Please note: Due to Covid, no event was held in 2020

Individual award winners:

Colin Antink – in recognition of valuable contributions to Thames Hospice

Rev Martin Ceaser – in recognition of valued service to the residents of Crowthorne and Wokingham Without

Alan Davis – for longstanding contributions to the local community

Allan Emmett – for longstanding contributions to the local community

Helena Hickling – in recognition of longstanding contributions to the South East Berkshire Gangshow

Ian Hopley – in recognition of voluntary work at Oaklands Junior School

Brian and Penny Jones – in recognition of their longstanding volunteering with Crowthorne Community Minibus

Lesley Lawrence – in recognition of longstanding service at Crowthorne Library

Brenda Metcalf – for longstanding volunteering with Crowthorne First Responders and Crowthorne Good Neighbours

Hazel Pickard – for longstanding volunteering with Crowthorne Good Neighbours and Woodmancote (COATS) Day Centre

John Tobin – for longstanding contributions to the local community

Group award winners:

Crowthorne HopeZone – in recognition of valuable work with young people in the local community

Crowthorne Foodbank – in recognition of their support for the local community

Crowthorne Good Neighbours – in recognition of their support for the local community

 Last Updated on 10th July 2024

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