Walter Recreation Ground Charity no: 300145

The Charity known as The Walter Recreation Ground Charity is jointly managed by Crowthorne Parish Council and Wokingham Without Parish Council.

The purpose of the Charity is to maintain the Walter Recreation Ground and Circle Hill for public use in line with the Charity Indenture dated 10 June 1887 and the Charity Commission Scheme of 14 January 1975 as amended by resolutions dated 17 November 2009 and 6 July 2010.

The trust manages two parcels of land; The Walter Recreation Ground and Circle Hill, separated only by Pinewood Avenue. The Walter Recreation Ground is an open ground with a small woodland area to the rear, seating and bins are provided for those wishing to rest and enjoy the view. Circle Hill is mainly a wooded area with small open areas; there are paths which are idyllic for dog walkers & cycle tracks for the more energetic. The ancient Roman Road from London to Silchester originally known as the ‘Devils Highway’ ran directly through Circle Hill and is shown on Roque’s Map of 1761. Today the area is known as Brookers Corner. Both pieces of land boast some beautifully established trees, and an abundance of wild life and fauna.

The Charity is constituted of 8 Trustees which is made up of 4 from Crowthorne Parish Council and 4 from Wokingham Without Parish Council, appointed on an annual basis.

The Walter Recreation Ground Charity is administered by the staff of Crowthorne Parish Council on behalf of the Trustees.

Further information can be found at the Charity Commission – GOV UK:

2023-24 Walter Recreation Ground Charity (including Circle Hill) Appointed Membership:


Wokingham Without Parish Council representatives:

  • Cllr Seona Turtle
  • Cllr Kevin Whitehead
  • Phil Metcalf 
  • Debbie Gooch (Clerk to WWPC)


Crowthorne Parish Council representatives:

  • Cllr Jeff Allen
  • Cllr Gail Robertson
  • Cllr Peter Wood
  • Mark Dodds (co-opted)

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