Who is our local MP?

The Local MP for this area is Clive Jones.

Email: clive.jones.mp@parliament.uk

Can I speak at a Parish Council Meeting?

Yes. There is a formal public question time prior to Council Meetings and you may be allowed to speak at the Chairman’s discretion.

If you have an issue that is pressing that you wish the Council to consider then, in the first instance, write to the Council. If your issue can wait then you have an opportunity to put your questions or comments to the Council at the Annual Parish Meeting. Another approach you may take is to ask any Councillor to take the matter up on your behalf.

Can I write to the Council?

You may write to the Council Offices or you may write to an individual Councillor. See ‘Who are our Borough Councillors?’

Who are our Borough Councillors?

They are as follows:

Cllr Jordan Montgomery, 4 The Chase, Crowthorne, RG45 6HT Tel: 07512 237864

Cllr Marc Brunel Walker  Tel: 07711 421950

Cllr Seona Turtle : Tel: 07824 531193

How do I contact Wokingham Borough Council?
How do I benefit from recycling?

There are a number of benefits of recycling:

  • saves you money
  • conserves natural resources
  • saves energy
  • saves landfill space
  • protects the environment

It is up to you to buy recycled products and ‘close the loop’. This will boost markets for recycled products, making recycling more worthwhile and economically viable.

Where are the recycling sites in Wokingham Without Parish?
  • Pinewood Centre, Old Wokingham Road
Can I buy extra blue sacks at the Parish Office?

Blue refuse sacks for general waste are still available until wheelie bins are introduced in August 2024.  These are at a cost of £11.30 per roll of 10 (CASH only accepted)

If you have a specific need or larger than average household, please contact Wokingham Borough Council – Tel 0118 974 6000

Brown paper sacks for garden waste are available from the Parish Office, Pinewood Centre.  Sacks are £1.30 each.  (CASH only accepted)


How many residents are there in Wokingham Without Parish?
  • Households: 2772, from the 2011 Census.
  • Population: 8024 as of March 2013.
Last Updated on 11th July 2024

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