Wokingham Borough News|

The multi-million pound Bulmershe Leisure Centre in Woodley officially opened its doors yesterday (17 August) welcoming guests, members and VIPs from across the borough.

It replaces the former 1970s centre on the same Woodlands Avenue site, knocked down in summer 2018. Our partner, Places Leisure, will manage the facility and ensure smooth running of the services it offers. For safety of staff and the public, a number of Covid-19 measures are being followed.

The centre includes a six-lane 25-metre swimming pool, a teaching pool with movable floor, a bigger gym plus a ‘live well’ (long-term condition) gym, a four-court sports hall, and an additional studio and café. It will benefit the whole community by providing up-to-date, accessible and flexible facilities, as well as preventative health provisions.

“Watching this incredible project come into fruition has truly been remarkable. I’m delighted to have been able to take part in the opening, said Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment and leisure. A heartfelt thank you goes to all our staff, contractors and stakeholders for making what was once only a plan, a reality. I’m sure it will serve our residents for many years to come and bring many happy, cheerful memories to both children and adults.”

Wokingham Borough Councillor Parry Batth tries an exercise bike in the new Bulmershe gym


Tony Penge, contract manager at Places Leisure, Wokingham said: “In partnership with Wokingham Borough Council we are working hard to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community and the new leisure centre is a huge step in assisting us to achieve our goals. Places Leisure look forward to managing this centre and engaging with our customers over the coming months and years.”

For membership enquiries, please email: enquiries@bulmersheleisurecentre.org.

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