Wokingham Borough News|

If you’re an informal carer of any age looking after a family member at home, there is lots of support available to you – either by phone, online, or from someone visiting you at home.

Wokingham Borough Council recognises the additional pressure that has been placed on carers during the Covid-19 pandemic and wants to remind you and highlight all the different types of help and advice available to support both you and the individual for whom you care.

An informal carer is any family member, friend or neighbour, giving regular assistance to another person without payment for the care given.

“We know the last few months during lockdown have been particularly challenging and isolating for informal carers, plus now the uncertainty about possible new restrictions. You’re doing a fantastic job looking after your loved ones,” said Cllr Charles Margetts, executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services.

“We also understand you may feel nervous about venturing out even though shielding has been suspended. Local community services know this too and have been tailoring their support to reflect this.”

The best place to start to find out about support is The Wokingham Carers Hub (0118 324 7333), run by TuVida on behalf of Wokingham Borough Council. It provides a wealth of information. Its staff are highly trained in understanding carers’ needs, providing support, signposting you in the right direction as well as a host of online help groups and home visits. It also has an online group for young carers as well as telephone support.

The hidden carers free helpline (0800 133 7851), run by East Berkshire and Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Groups together with Signal4Carers, has been extended until the end of December. This is for those of you with caring responsibilities, but don’t recognise yourselves as a carer, so may be unaware there is help available.

You can also request an assessment in your own right if you’re caring for someone aged 18 or over. Simply complete an online self-assessment on our website (search carers assessment) or call the Health and Social Care Hub on 0300 365 1234 and request a paper one.

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