Local News, Wokingham Borough News|

The Government has announced that Wokingham Borough will move into in Tier 3 (Very High) following a significant rise in cases.  This will come into effect from 12.01am on Saturday and there will be tighter restrictions to what residents and businesses can and cannot do – details can be found here.

Wokingham Borough Council is working hard with partners in schools and care homes as well as with health professionals, businesses the voluntary sectors and town and parish councils, to keep the infection rate down. But we need the community’s support to contain the spread.

Please help control the local rate of infections by:

  • Where possible, limiting your number of social interactions. Just because you can mix with up to six people outside of your household outdoors doesn’t mean you should.
  • Limiting the number of places you visit e.g., shops, if you do need to visit a location then do so at quieter times
  • Regularly washing / sanitising your hands, covering your face where required and where possible maintaining 2m distance from others
  • Self-isolating when you are asked to
  • Getting tested when you have symptoms

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