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With cases of Covid-19 sadly now increasing both nationally and locally, Wokingham Borough Community Response (WBCR) continues to be ready – if and when you need support this winter. You are not alone.

Wokingham Borough Council has extended its funding for One Front Door until the end of March. Run by Citizens Advice Wokingham, it is the fastest contact if you need help, for example, with prescription collections or a shopping service because you are self-isolating. It also helps with other Covid-19 effects such as debt advice from losing your job, statutory sick pay and benefits, mental health, and wellbeing.

One Front Door can do this because it works closely with Wokingham Borough Council and local voluntary organisations such as the Wokingham Volunteer Centre, First Days, Involve, Link Visiting Scheme, Age UK Berkshire – to name a few. We all came together to create WBCR at the start of the pandemic to create a unique support network for local residents needing advice or practical support. WBCR is an additional support net to the NHS and social services.

You can contact One Front Door 24/7 via its website or call it on (0300) 330 1189 Monday to Fridays, 9am to 5pm, and Saturdays, 9am to 1pm. You can also leave a voicemail out of hours.

WBCR will be building on its success in helping you during these coming months. Between March and August this year its small army of volunteers collected 864 prescriptions, delivered shopping to 892 homes, and called 2,942 vulnerable residents to check they were okay or needed anything. One Front Door dealt with 3,274 unique clients, and the Home from Hospital service supported 89 people. WBCR also worked closely with ten new online community Covid-19 groups across the borough to cascade support messages even further.

While the numbers remain below the England average in Wokingham, Covid-19 cases are rising.  We are not complacent and we continue to work to put the right measures in place to minimise its spread across the borough.

This means the basic prevention tools are more crucial than ever. Stick to the rule of six, wash or sanitise your hands regularly, practice social distancing when out and about, and wear a face covering.  If you develop Covid-19 symptoms you must isolate immediately with your family or household, and arrange a test.

“Wokingham Borough Community Response continues to offer a huge range of practical support and advice in response to Covid-19. I thank all of the charities and groups that have been supporting our local residents for the past six months,” said Cllr Charles Margetts, executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services.

“We’re here to help you in whatever ways we can. We’re not starting from scratch. We’ve been up and running for six months now and will be able to react to changes in national or local restrictions if we need to. The next few months are going to be challenging for everyone but you’re not alone. There is help there for you if you need it.”

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