



  • Apologies for Absence
  • Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the CCNAG
  • Presentation on local policing initiatives from Matthew Barber, Police and Crime Commission for Thames Valley

Followed by a short question and answer session

  • Approval of minutes of 16 September 2021 meeting
  • Matters arising from minutes of 16 September 2021 meeting
  • Reports (verbal at the meeting or written reports circulated in advance)
    1. Bracknell Forest Borough Council
    2. Wokingham Borough Council
    3. Neighbourhood Police Teams -including personnel changes
    4. Crowthorne Parish Council
    5. Wokingham Without Parish Council
    6. Community events – written report only
      • Possible CATS Pop Up Pantos early May Bank holiday weekend
      • Jubilee activities (Churches Together in Crowthorne concerning street party initiative)
      • Crowthorne Carnival week – 2-9 July
      • Churches’ summer activities -TBC
      • BFC summer activities (Morgan Rec) – date TBC
  • Update on youth activities.
  • Matters of concern raised to the NAG prior to the meeting
  • Matters of concern raised at the meeting
  • Suggestions for guest speaker for future meetings
  • Date of next meeting – Meeting 5 May 2022 cancelled and re-scheduled to 7.30pm 16 June 2022 at The Morgan Centre

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On 17th June 2021, the first meeting of a newly established Neighbourhood Action Group for Crowthorne and Wokingham Without was held.

The meetings are supported by both Crowthorne and Wokingham Without Parish Councils.

To raise an issue for the agenda for a future meeting, please click here


Meeting DateAgendaMinutes
17 June 2021AgendaMinutes
16 September 2021AgendaMinutes
10 February 2022AgendaMinutes
16 June 2022AgendaMinutes
19 October 2022Roadshow event-
24 April 2023AgendaMinutes
11 September 2023AgendaMinutes

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