
Please be aware that Wokingham Borough Council as Traffic Authority has made an Order under Section 14 (1) (a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which is prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along:

B3430 Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham between its junctions with A321 Lower Wokingham Road and New Wokingham Road. 

The alternative route for all vehicles affected by this restriction shall be via New Wokingham Road, B3348 Dukes Ride and A321 Lower Wokingham Road or by this route in reverse.

Works requiring this restriction will take place between 17th October and 28th October 2022. 

The reason for these prohibitions is to allow Fulcrum contractors to lay new gas and electric mains for new housing development in safety.

Access for residents and businesses within the boundaries of this restriction will be maintained at all times.

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