Wokingham Borough News|

Work on Major New Roads across the borough continue through this summer.

Construction of the new roundabout on Waterloo Road, in southern Wokingham, continues with resurfacing works over the next few months as part of the Eastern Gateway (see above image).

Once complete this will join William Heelas Way with Waterloo Road. The project also includes the new rail bridge over the railway at Montague Park, which now has its main structure in place.

Elsewhere new drainage systems are being installed as part of the work on Park Lane in Finchampstead, with work due for completion in the autumn. Once complete the extension will join Eversley Road with Nine Mile Ride/Park Lane.

You can read Balfour Beatty’s July newsletters on the Nine Mile Ride Extension, North Wokingham Distributor Road and South Wokingham Distributor Road on our major new roads webpages to get detailed updates on each project.

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