Local News, Pinewood News|

Weather conditions have allowed the improvement works planned and approved by the parish council in September 2020, to commence this week.

The works will see a large amount of silt removed from the pond to improve its water holding capacity, and the pond’s ability to cope with dry summers.

a pond with mud and water

The works, which will continue into early May, will see the banks of the pond being built up. Coir rolls will be installed in the new banks to stabilise the pond edges, reducing the risk of flooding to nearby footpaths during the wetter, winter months.

Whilst works are underway, the water inlet from the stream has been blocked off, keeping water levels down to allow access to the areas due to be dug out. Part of the work will involve digging out and deepening the inlet channel. Once works are completed, the temporary dam will be removed.

We would kindly request that the blockage be left in place whilst the works are underway.




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