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Voters are being reminded to make sure they are ready to take part in the local and Police and Crime Commissioner elections on Thursday (6 May).

Andrew Moulton, assistant director governance, said: “It’s almost polling day, so we want to make sure that everyone knows how they can cast their vote and can take part on Thursday. We have measures in place to help you cast your vote safely.”

Here’s a rundown of things residents will need to know before polling day:

Make sure you vote in time

  • Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm
  • Your poll card will have been sent to the address where you are registered. It will say where your polling station is. You can only vote at the polling station that is stated on your own poll card (you do not need to take your polling card with you to vote, however it will save time if you take it with you to the polling station and show it to the clerk)
  • Plan what time you will be able to cast your vote at the polling station, leaving plenty of time before the 10pm deadline
  • If you are in a queue at your polling station at 10pm you will still be able to vote
  • If you arrive at the polling station after 10pm then the poll will be closed and you will have missed your chance to take part

Postal voting

  • If you have a postal vote, make sure it is returned by 10pm on Thursday 6 May
  • If you miss the post, take it to your local polling station by 10pm on election day or you can hand it in at our Shute End office before it closes

Proxy voting

  • If you’ve appointed a proxy, then they need to make sure they are able to vote at the correct polling station on your behalf
  • If you are suddenly unable to vote in person, because you have a medical emergency which prevents you from attending on polling day, or your occupation, service or employment means that you cannot go to the polling station in person, and you only become aware of that fact after the deadline, then you may be entitled to appoint an emergency proxy
  • You can apply for an emergency proxy up until 5pm on polling day. You should contact your local electoral registration office directly to ask about this

COVID-19 measures

Voters are encouraged to keep themselves and others safe by:

  • Wearing a face covering
  • Bringing their own pen or pencil
  • Cleaning their hands when entering and leaving the polling station
  • Keeping a safe distance

Voters should not attend the polling station if they have symptoms of Covid-19, or if they have been asked to self-isolate. There will be provisions in place to apply for an emergency proxy vote if required due to health circumstances.

Felling unwell on May 6? Do not go to the polling station to vote in person. Find out about alternative voting options at electoralcommission.org.uk/voter

How to fill out your ballot paper

  • The staff at the polling station will give you a ballot paper listing the candidates you can vote for
  • Staff are on hand at the polling station to provide advice on the voting process
  • If you have a visual impairment, you can ask to see a large print ballot paper or you can ask for a special voting device that allows you to vote on your own in secret
  • Take your ballot paper into a polling booth so that no one can see how you vote. Read the ballot paper carefully, it will tell you how to cast your vote. Do not write anything else on the paper or your vote may not be counted
  • Mark your ballot paper according to the instructions.
  • Fold your completed ballot paper in half and pop it in the ballot box

If anyone has any questions they can visit the Electoral Commission website or call the council’s elections team on (0118) 974 6522 / 23 who will be happy to help.


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