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Wokingham Borough Council is reaching out to residents to find out how it can encourage more walking and cycling throughout Wokingham borough.

The council is currently developing a local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) for the borough, as well as a plan specifically for Wokingham town centre. Residents, local businesses and visitors are being invited to give feedback on any issues that are currently discouraging or preventing them from choosing to walk or cycle when traveling around the borough.

Equally, the council would like to hear about any opportunities for improving the streets in the borough for walking and cycling.

three children on bicycles

The aim is to determine where best to focus future investment in active travel infrastructure to support walking and cycling across the area. This might include providing new cycle routes, improving footways and crossings, creating ‘school streets’ or reducing the impact of through-traffic in local neighbourhoods.

“We are at an early stage in the plan development process and would like input from across the local community to help shape where we look to invest future funding,” said Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for highways and transport.

“We would like to hear from our residents, as well as local businesses and visitors, so we can understand what are the existing issues and barriers that prevent you from walking or cycling within the borough.

image of boots and lower legs walking

“We are particularly interested in those shorter journeys that you may take, popping to the shop for a few essentials or driving your child to school – what improvement could we make to allow you consider more active travel for these shorter journeys around your local area?”

To help shape the walking and cycling network across the borough visit wokinghamlcwip.commonplace.is where you will have the opportunity to leave your thoughts and opinions.

This platform provides an interactive map where you can place a ‘pin’ on any location in the borough and leave specific comments. This engagement platform will remain open for comments until 18 April.

A further public consultation will follow later in the year with more detailed proposals.  If you have any queries, please email us at transportplanning@wokingham.gov.uk.

The council are also currently asking for feedback on separate consultations including the Active Travel Fund and Greenways.

The Active Travel Fund consultation looks at plans to improve connections between the A329 London Road and Wokingham town centre, and linking Woodley and Earley to Reading. Scheme improvements are being developed after the council was awarded £576,650 towards improvements to cycling and walking facilities in these areas by the Department for Transport. This consultation closes on 26 March.

The council is also currently working on a Greenways Project to add to the existing network of paths to create a sustainable alternative way to get around the borough. The greenways consultation is seeking views on the next stage of its greenways project, which will create a new route through Woosehill Meadows from A329 Reading Road to Heron Road.

For further details on all current council consultations visit the council website and search consultation.

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