Image of Wokingham Borough Council Office, Shute End Wokingham

Potential change to recycling collections to keep paper and card dry

Wokingham Borough News|

Wokingham Borough Council is considering bringing in... Read More Potential change to recycling collections to keep paper and card dry

Image of Wokingham Borough Library

Wokingham Borough Libraries Start to Reopen

Wokingham Borough News|

Update from Wokingham Borough Council: With national lockdown restrictions now being eased we’re happy to... Read More Wokingham Borough Libraries Start to Reopen

Image of Wokingham Borough Council Office, Shute End Wokingham

South Wokingham Distributor Road Update – July 2020

Wokingham Borough News|

Update from Wokingham Borough Council: Work continues on the South Wokingham Distributor Road (SWDR), which... Read More South Wokingham Distributor Road Update – July 2020

Families Thames Valley West front cover July 2020

Families Thames Valley West Leaving Lockdown Summer 2020


Please see the Families Thames Valley West “Leaving Lockdown” Summer 2020 edition HERE. The... Read More Families Thames Valley West Leaving Lockdown Summer 2020

Parish budget and precept demand published


For the 2020/21 financial year, the parish council has agreed to increase the precept to raise funds to:... Read More Parish budget and precept demand published

Notice of Uncontested Election


Notice of Uncontested Election – Parish of Wokingham Without  ... Read More Notice of Uncontested Election

WWPC Strategic Vision 2018-2023


Wokingham Without Parish Council has published a vision for the council to 2023, setting out the key... Read More WWPC Strategic Vision 2018-2023

The General Data Protection Regulation


You may be aware that The General Protection Regulation will take effect in the UK from 25th May 2018. It... Read More The General Data Protection Regulation

Defibrillator Locations at Pinewood and Surrounding Areas


Wokingham Without Parish Council have acquired a unit via Community First Responders, which will allow us to... Read More Defibrillator Locations at Pinewood and Surrounding Areas

Local Government Transparency Code, February 2015.


The intention of the Code is to increase transparency in the publication of public sector data and... Read More Local Government Transparency Code, February 2015.

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