Local News, Wokingham Borough News|

Wokingham Without Parish Council has recently agreed to fund a project to resurface the visitor’s car park at Heathlake. The project, which is expected to commence on 12th October, will see the existing car park surface replaced with a sealed tarmac surface, as well as the provision of some cycle parking hoops.

The existing surface has been very prone to potholes and ponding of water in the wetter weather, resulting in regular temporary closures and ongoing maintenance costs for Wokingham Borough Council, to keep the car park usable.

The work to renovate the parking area, which is located just off Nine Mile Ride between Heathlands Road and New Wokingham Road, will mean the car park will be closed for approximately two weeks from 12th October.

Borough Cllr Angus Ross, ward member for Wokingham Without said “Co-operation between the borough and parish councils has found a solution to the continual surfacing problems to this car park. I am delighted that the parish council has agreed to fund the resurfacing and I look forward to seeing a safer, durable surface as well as bike racks for those visiting our wonderful nature reserve at Heathlake.”

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